Listings for Trackless Components (4)
UAK158 2 Only Kessler D91 Axles. 3 Clutch and 7 Clutch. Good Used. Gauteng, R90 000 each (05-07-2021) [06-09-2021]
1009 total views, 0 today
R90 000 each
UAK157 Dana Spicer 32000 Transmission. Good Working Condition. Gauteng, R35 000 (05-07-2021) [06-09-2021]
268 total views, 2 today
R35 000
UAK156 4 Only Tamrock Drifters. 2 x Model 550 and 2 x model E410. North West Province, R12 000 total (18-11-2020) [01-03-2021]
334 total views, 0 today
R12 000 total
UAK155 3 Only New Frames, suitable for an EJC208 LHD, front frames, rear frames and H-frames. North West Province, R1.995m per frame
637 total views, 0 today
R1.995m per frame